Titus Andronicus was Target Margin’s highly theatricalized (“big”) version of Shakespeare’s play that took place in a storefront theater with Hefty bags of limbs, Rubbermaid pitchers of blood, and a cast of 26 on its tiny stage. The exuberant mastery of the production earned director David Herskovits the moniker “mod classicist.”
September 5 – September 29, 1991 at NADA
Directed by David Herskovits
With Todd Alcott, William Badgett, Aaron Beall, Paul Boocock, Geoff Brackett, Michael Carley, David Chalfant, Terence Cranendonk, Henry Di John, James Ferguson, Michael Gans, Bradley Glenn, Mairhinda Groff, Eugene Nesmith, Mary Neufeld, Scott Rabinowitz, Randolph Curtis Rand, Steven Rattazi, Chris Rossi, Thomas Jay Ryan, Noel Simmons, Yuri Skujins, and Rock Townsend
Scenic Designer: Lenny Bart
Lighting Designer:Lenore Doxsee
Costume Designer: David Zinn
Sound Designer: John Collins
Dramaturgy: Megan Raddant
Stage Manager: Christine Lemme
Graphics: James Hannahan
Photos by Gaia Squarci