Each day working with Target Margin these past six months was as exciting as the first day I walked into the office / theater through their big yellow roll gate on 52nd Street in Brooklyn. I came in the middle of the Exponential Festival and right as the Artist Programs (Lab, Residency, Institute) were being announced. PLUS, I jumped right into helping organize and manage cultivation events and working on the Spring Gala–a production of its own! Not to mention they were starting rehearsals for Marjana and the Forty Thieves directed by TMT Artistic Director David Herskovits, and so much more. On top of that I was working 7-days with two other jobs, and a couple of side projects (I don’t recommend this to anyone)!
The workload was never-ending BUT it made me realize the importance of taking ownership of my responsibilities and actions. It also helped crystallize the importance of knowing your limits. Throughout the Fellowship I’ve grown to face the reality that producing isn’t a solo job. It’s like those theater award ceremony shows, there’s always someone that says, “it really takes an army”. It really does take a team to get it all done but we also have to know when to reach out for help. JUST ASK, as David would say and I do have to say that everything I’ve done with Target Margin has been so rewarding as a producer and artist. I recall a conversation with David and Moe, where I said that arts administration didn’t take much creativity. “Now that’s where I have to disagree with you”, replied David. And my time here has been proof that arts administration does take creative and artistic approaches.
One of the biggest takeaways was recognizing how deep Target Margin respected Sunset Park’s engraved culture and how important it is for them getting involved with the local community. The time and effort spent—attending Community Board meetings, finding opportunities to collaborate and support local establishments, volunteering for local causes—and seeing the positive response from the community was rewarding in its own right. Through Target Margin I was also able to be a part of DCA’s Community Organizing 101 courses, where the instructor never failed to mention Sun Tzu’s Art of War’s famous quote: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Okay, those are not the exact words BUT I think it does reflect Target Margin’s appreciation of the deeps roots and history in Sunset Park.
If I could summarize my time / work with Target Margin I would say, EMPOWERED. The word is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to powerful movements and my time with Target Margin has been one big movement—overcoming struggles, fortifying myself to confidently make bold choices, and understanding that there is no “right way” to do anything. I recall my favorite conversation with Moe was trying to figure out what was next for me. Speaking of which… I’m producing, Jazz Singer, at Abrons Arts Center’s Playhouse, Sept 24 – Oct 12! The production, co-created by Joshua William Gelb and Nehemiah Luckett aims to redefine The Jazz Singer, an American film history classic, as well as giving a voice and story to those who are often overlooked. Go see it!